Welcome to your FREE American History book downloads



Photograph tour of U.S. Capitol and White House

Three branches of government  

How a bill becomes a law

The colonization of America by Europe

Pre-Revolutionary War events

The War of Independence

The Constitutional Convention

Ratification of the Constitution

The U.S. Constitution

The Bill of Rights

Photographic tour of Washington’s Mount Vernon

George Washington biography

The first U.S. Presidency

John Adams biography and presidency

The Capitol in 1800

Major annual events from 1760 thru 1799


The library of Congress

Jefferson’s biography and presidency

Photographic Tours of Jefferson’s Monticello

Madison’s biography and presidency

Jackson’s biography and presidency

American’s move west

The first Industrial Revolution

The Mexican-American War

Events leading up to the Civil War

Lincoln’s biography

The Civil War

Arlington Cemetery

Reconstruction of the South

The Transcontinental Railroad

The Second Industrial Revolution

Vanderbilt, Carnegie, and Rockefeller biography’s

Alexander Graham Bell biography

Thomas Edison biography

European Immigration

Major annual events from 1800 to 1899


Photographic tour of Washington Monuments

Teddy Roosevelt biography and presidency

Henry Ford

The Wright Brothers

The Tens and Twenties

Woodrow Wilson biography and presidency

World War I

The Progressive Era

Edwin Armstrong

The Thirties and Depression

Franklin Roosevelt biography and presidency

The Forties

World War II

Harry S. Truman biography and presidency

The Fifties

Dwight D. Eisenhower biography and presidency

The violent sixties

John F. Kennedy biography and presidency

Lyndon Johnson’s biography and presidency 

Rendezvous with the moon

The Seventies

The technology revolution

Major annual events from 1900 to 1979